5.2.10 New Every 2nd & 3rd Month Frequencies

January 17, 2019
  • Two new recurring frequencies are supported (nth weekday of month for every 2nd and 3rd month) once 5.2.10 is Tools>Activated (e.g. 1st Monday of every 2nd month).
  • Reports generated on Train/Test databases now automatically include Train/Test in the report title.
  • Split Shift, when not deleting part of the shift, now supports Until/Ongoing.
  • Web 4.2.9 improvements:
    • The confirmation screen for changes to an employee’s working hours now displays total hours (that week or that pay period) and how that varies from the employee’s standard hours.
    • Options: now includes a control to suppress the default filter of only including service point shifts for Schedule the Assign employees if the employee is working in one of the selected working locations.