5.1.19 Shift Notes Select option

January 2, 2018
  • Switching from Location by Day, while displaying a day in the current work week, to a by Week or Grid display now opens starting at the beginning of your work week (as always done for future dates).
  • Tools>Reports>[AdvSelect] now allows reports to be generated containing only shifts containing specified text in their external notes field.
  • Log files are now generated to your Schedule3W\Logs folder in your Documents folder (rather than to %temp%). Likewise .CSV files and [PDF] button files are now generated to your Schedule3W\Reports folder.
  • The Edit>Staff right-click menu is now available regardless of how Edit>Staff was invoked.
  • Web 4.0.23 new features:
    • Schedulers are always allowed to view up to two years in the past through the maximum open date.
    • Restored support for two Ciphers: DHE-RSA-AES256-SHA and DHE-RSA-AES128-SHA, to maintain compatibility with Firefox (tested with 52.5.2 ESR and 57.0.2).
  • AutoSched 2.1.15 now supports employees being set to try to keep on-desk shifts separate in the Edit>Staff>AutoSched Tab.